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lunedì 29 giugno 2009
Your Email Won The Prize
This is to notify you of the outcome of the just concluded SPANISH EL GORDO
Online draw in collaboration with Fundació FC Barcelona, a program held on the
28th of May 2009 here in Barcelona. Your e-mail address attached to TICKET No:
FCB/09/2219 with REFERENCE No: 000106 drew ETO'O and MESSI as goal scorer in
the Champions Final which consequently won in the 1ST CATEGORY, you are
therefore approved for a cash prize of 990.000.00cents (Nine Hundred and
Ninety Thousand Euro).
This draw was carried out through a random quantitative sampling in our
selection program (BOTE) from a database of over 1,000,000 email addresses
drawn from the FCBARCELONA FAN CLUB online.
The online draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from
an exclusive list of 30,031 Email addresses of individuals and corporate bodies
picked by an advanced automated sampling software from the FCBARCELONA FANS
online . As such no tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to
different ticket numbers for representation, identification and privacy.
This promotion is to commemorate the Celebration of the TREBLE AWARD of
FCBARCELONA in the concluded football season and also encourage our prominent
FANS all over the world. SPANISH EL GORDO is approved and Licensed by Loterías
y Apuestas del Estado. Ensure to keep your winning information in confidence
until your award is duly processed and claimed. This is part of our security
measures to avoid double claiming or unwarranted advantage taking of the
situation by impersonators.
To begin your claims, contact the Processing Officer assigned to you
immediately via email or telephone with the information below:
Loteria-Claim Processing Agent
Name: Mr. Pedro Thomas
Email: pthomas1@ozu.es
TEL: +34-634-00-87-02
You are to send the information below to the CLAIM PROCESSING OFFICER via
email for the confirmation of your winning.
1. Your full names: 2. Your address: 3. Telephone/fax numbers: 4.
5. Amount won: 6.. Reference Number: 7. Batch Number: 8. Ticket Number:
9. Reconfirm Email Address: 10. Date Notified:
Note that all prize money must be claimed within two weeks of this
notification and failure to do so may result in forfeiting this award prize as
Un-claimed. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please
remember to quote your Reference Number and Ticket Number in every
correspondence with the Claims Officer.
Yours Sincerely,
Snr. Melinda Hershey
Loteria Coordinator
- All claims are nullified after 14 working days from today.
- Do inform the claims officer of any change of Names, Address and Email.
- All winners under the age of 18 are automatically disqualified.
Il CorrieredelWeb.it è un periodico telematico nato sul finire dell’Anno Duemila su iniziativa di Andrea Pietrarota, sociologo della comunicazione, public reporter e giornalista pubblicista, insignito dell’onorificenza del titolo di Cavaliere al merito della Repubblica Italiana.
Il magazine non ha fini di lucro e i contenuti vengono prodotti al di fuori delle tradizionali Industrie dell'Editoria o dell'Intrattenimento, coinvolgendo ogni settore della Società dell'Informazione, fino a giungere agli stessi utilizzatori di Internet, che così divengono contemporaneamente produttori e fruitori delle informazioni diffuse in Rete.
Da qui l’ambizione ad essere una piena espressione dell'Art. 21 della Costituzione Italiana.
Il CorrieredelWeb.it oggi è un allegato della Testata Registrata AlternativaSostenibile.it iscritta al n. 1088 del Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Lecce il 15/04/2011 (Direttore Responsabile: Andrea Pietrarota).
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L’autore non ha alcuna responsabilità per quanto riguarda qualità e correttezza dei contenuti inseriti da terze persone, ma si riserva la facoltà di rimuovere prontamente contenuti protetti da copyright o ritenuti offensivi, lesivi o contrari al buon costume.
Le immagini e foto pubblicate sono in larga parte strettamente collegate agli argomenti e alle istituzioni o imprese di cui si scrive.
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