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mercoledì 1 novembre 2006

OGGI EVENTI: 1/11/2006


La cultura come ecosistema: Pressrelease - dove tutto e' in relazione,
territorio d'incontro, luogo senza confini geografici per una lettura
trasversale delle informazioni, per l'approfondimento e la conoscenza.
D  A  L   N  E  T  W  O  R  K

# Magazines: Il Visionario Virtuoso
Marco Senaldi intervista Leonardo Pivi, su Impackt n.2/2006

# Features: Battersea Power Station. Di Mario Alemi
Cina, arte contemporanea, architettura e sound.

# Magazines: A portrait of "a transcontinental cultural catalyst"
Luca Lo Pinto intervista Willoughby Sharp, su Nero n.11, ott-nov 2006

# Magazines: Francesca Astesani intervista Jan Fabre
su DROME magazine n.8, the animal issue, ottobre-dicembre 2006

E  V  E  N  T  I     D  I     O  G  G  I    [  1  /  11  /  2006  ]

        Bern, Kunstmuseum Bern
        dal 1/11/2006 al 21/1/2007
Autopsy of our Relation to the Dead. The show is divided into 6 chapters titled: Corpses, Skulls and Skeletons, Bodies, Burials and Bereavement, Homage: The Beloved and Revered Dead, The Artist's Death, Death and Lifestyle and Afterlife. The exhibition brings together works from different centuries from the collection of the Kunstmuseum, loans from other institutions and artists as well as works created specially for the exhibition. The main focus however is on contemporary art from different continents and cultures. Curated by Bernhard Fibicher and Susanne Friedli. http://undo.net/cgi-bin/press.pl?id=1162208218 Segnalato da: Ruth Gilgen

        London, Tate Modern
        dal 1/11/2006 al 21/1/2007
Almost 100 works lent from public and private collections. The exhibition begin with Smith's early experiments with found objects in the 1930s. It features his exploration of both animate and inanimate forms within interiors from the 1940s and his examination of landscape in the 1950s in linear works that function like drawings in space. It also include a group of important Agricola sculptures from the 1950s, a spectacular group of his Voltri pieces made in Italy in 1962, and conclude with with Tanktotems and Cubis.
http://undo.net/cgi-bin/press.pl?id=1162213966 Segnalato da: Tate Press Office

        New York, Seventh Regiment Armory
        dal 1/11/2006 al 5/11/2006
Print Fair 2006. This year with more new editions than ever and a stunning array of old master, modern and contemporary works that are among the highest achievements in this art form. While rare impressions from artists such as Rembrandt, Cassatt, Picasso, and Lichtenstein will command five and six figure prices, there will be a multitude of choices in the affordable range for collectors seeking blue chip names and newly emergent artists. http://undo.net/cgi-bin/press.pl?id=1162209011
Segnalato da: Ipfda

        London, Matt's Gallery
        dal 1/11/2006 al 17/12/2006
Building a Nation, a series of intimate performance events leading to a large-scale sculptural installation. He has described the role of the artist as one who rearranges objects that exist in society. In The exhibition Durham will construct an installation using natural and manufactured materials combining wood, laminates, glass and metal. Quotations selected by Durham from famous Americans about American Indians will be interspersed around the structure. http://undo.net/cgi-bin/press.pl?id=1161961507
Segnalato da: Matt's Gallery

        London, The Approach
        dal 1/11/2006 al 17/12/2006
New collages concentrate specifically on the portrait. Stezaker's interest in the concept soon gave way to a long-term fascination with the image. This fascination is translated into alterations, deletions, visual concordances and juxtapositions of disparate sources, intuitively creating new images, relationships, characters and meanings.
http://undo.net/cgi-bin/press.pl?id=1162314940 Segnalato da: The Approach

        London, f a projects
        GUY ALLOTT
        dal 1/11/2006 al 16/12/2006
The Space Race. The exhibition will showcase a series of new paintings and sculptures by the artist, including the painting series Landscape Spaceship, which explore ideas of the primitive, innovation and the visionary. Allott's works allude to the grand narrative of Western civilisation exploring the preoccupation with discovery, conquest and edifice.
http://undo.net/cgi-bin/press.pl?id=1162312092 Segnalato da: F A Projects

        New York, David Krut Projects
        ASI - EL ANATSUI
        dal 1/11/2006 al 22/12/2006
One of Africa's most significant contemporary sculptor whose work maintains an ambitious breadth of vision that consistently speaks to the reality of Africa's existence. To this reality, he adds further layers of meaning, fed by his awareness of the culture and history of the African continent, an awareness evolved over years of restless intellectual and artistic enquiry. http://undo.net/cgi-bin/press.pl?id=1162312887
Segnalato da: Sophie Dunsmure

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- Raccontare i Balcani, fino al 4/11/06
Una carovana di artisti, scrittori, giornalisti, operatori culturali arriva dai Balcani per raccontarsi e per raccontare le proprie aspirazioni, i propri sogni, per proiettare verso il futuro i propri sguardi, in un Mediterraneo che diventa sempre piu' scenario dove poter intrecciare relazioni e azioni. Tavole rotonde e seminari.
Lecce e Nardo', Cantieri Teatrali Koreja e Sala Roma

- Liliana Bazza, fino al 29/11/06
La sua ricerca pittorica ha come tema la natura, attraverso le cui forme l'artista esprime al meglio la sua particolare sensibilita' cromatica.
Moncalieri (TO), UGC Cine' Cite' 45A'N Via Fortunato Postiglione

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