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lunedì 18 marzo 2013

Taxi Pronto Roma launch a new taxi service from Fiumicino to Rome

Now you can reserve a new and fast taxi service, to move quickly to reach in taxi the airport from Rome.

From now, travel between the airport of Fiumicino and the city center can be easier, thanks to the taxi service for the airport to Rome (or from the city to Fiumicino) made available by the company Taxi Pronto Roma. You can reach the city's main airport by booking a taxi in a short time and at low cost. The service is active 24 hours on 24, every day, to ensure a continuous link between the city and the airport.
A solution that allows you to arrive in time for boarding, better control their luggage and avoid wasting time between public transport and taking over of the bags. A comfort to everyone, given the cost effectiveness.
It is fundamental to have similar services, as many parts of the city are not served by a sufficient connection to Fiumicino, and in the center there is a ZTL (limited traffic access zone) which makes problematic parking and stopping at the hourly rate.
It is easier to manage storage and timing for those arriving from Fiumicino, and you must reach their hotel or a predetermined event, a business meeting or simply want to make a shopping trip.

The transfer service is also active in a taxi to the second airport, Ciampino, or for travel to Civitavecchia. For each shift to ports and airports, Taxi Roma guarantees a journey in comfort, thanks to comfortable vehicles, the latest generation guided by experienced and discreet.
In addition to these movements, the service is available for travel in areas adjacent to the capital, in the surrounding region of Abruzzo, Campania, Tuscany, if you need to get to town just as important as Naples, Florence, L'Aquila and other towns. In this case, all those who travel for business reasons and with regular intervals, can take advantage of discounted rates.

The Taxi Pronto Roma is a company that also deals with rental NCC events, both business and private, such as ceremonies, weddings, circumstances of representation, conferences and more. Provides prestigious cars, equipped with every comfort and reliable and expert staff in the area.

For more information, you can contact us by using the contact details on the website www.taxiprontoroma.com, or by filling out the form to receive prices, directions, schedules and contacts.

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