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giovedì 10 dicembre 2015

Amazon Echo, Best Christmas Gift: How to Order It in Italy

Big Apple Buddy, NYC-based shopping concierge, is the best companion this holiday season, delivering the latest gadgets direct from the USA

New York, New York (December 10, 2015) – Amazon Echo seems to be the ultimate Christmas gift this year judging by a huge interest from buyers and tech experts. 

A cylinder-shaped speaker, Amazon Echo is powered by Bluetooth and is an interactive tool that plays your favorite music, creates a shopping list for you, would tell you what to wear based on weather conditions or will remind you what's your schedule like, as it connects to your Google calendar. The magic word to address Echo is "Alexa." Just like that, Alexa will play Christmas music when asked or order your groceries.

There is no wonder that this versatile, friendly, the most natural yet voice control/ home assistance hybrid is flying off the shelves. The price is also reasonable, starting at $179.99 USD.

There is only one issue – Amazon Echo, like many other new gadgets, has only been released in America.  A release date has not yet been announced for Italy.

Big Apple Buddy, a shopping concierge in New York, was founded with the mission to bridge this gap in cross-border shopping, giving a chance to anyone in the world to access the latest tech products directly from the U.S.

So if you believe that Amazon Echo is your ideal Christmas gift, simply go to Big Apple Buddy's website and order it today, as if you were shopping directly from the U.S. The company has partnered up with reliable shipping carriers, Fedex, UPS and DHL, meaning you will receive your Echo in as little as a week.

The process of ordering gadgets through Big Apple Buddy is extremely easy - you simply tell the company what they would like to buy from America and you will have your product personally sourced and shipped to your doorstep. The startup has already developed a loyal client-base in over 70 countries around the world. Their clientele are mainly professionals, who simply want the latest products quickly and hassle-free.

When you order your products through Big Apple Buddy, you will experience a completely personalized and seamless shopping experience. The company handles the entire process for the client from order to delivery. They will source the item as quickly as possible, check and repackage the goods upon arrival at their facility, prepare all necessary customs documentation and have the parcel safely shipped to your doorstep.

All costs are set out in a free quote with a minimum service fee of $40 per order. The service fee covers all the legwork the company does for its clients, including discount negotiations, packaging, shipping and providing personalized product and shopping advice.

Big Apple Buddy has a mission to eliminate international shopping barriers, giving consumers access to the latest tech products as soon as they are released in America, regardless of where they are in the world. This Christmas, Santa is coming to Italy, too.

Big Apple Buddy is a New York based e-commerce company, founded by two former Australian corporate lawyers who saw a global demand for items that are only available in the U.S. Big AppleBuddy is a friendly, responsive and reliable personal shopping concierge that delivers desired items from the U.S. to consumers across the globe. 
Popularitems include tech gadgets and designer brands. www.bigapplebuddy.com


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