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venerdì 4 marzo 2016

EJC opens new call for applications for innovative development reporting grants

The European Journalism Centre (EJC) is pleased to announce that it has received 199 applications in the seventh round of the Innovation in Development Reporting (IDR) Grant Programme.

Over the next four weeks, the EJC will evaluate the entries and inform all applicants of the status of their application(s). Due to the large number of submissions, we will however not be able to give individual feedback to unsuccessful candidates. Shortlisted applicants will then have one month's time to submit a complete proposal and provide any necessary supporting documents. The grant winners will be announced mid May 2016.

"Over the past years we've seen extraordinary journalistic work being produced by freelance journalists and European media houses alike with the support of our grant programme. We are confident this round will again surprise us with original stories and innovative formats and we're looking forward to further supporting outstanding reporting on global development topics", says EJC Director Wilfried Ruetten.

Interested journalists, who did not get around to pitching their development reporting ideas in time, can submit applications in the next round. The next deadline is 7 September 2016 (22:00 CET). Innovative pitches can be submitted via the online application form.

For a showcase of previously awarded grants, see our portfolio and all projects published in 2015. For any questions, contact us at info@journalismgrants.org.

Note for editors:

The Innovation in Development Reporting Grant Programme was launched in January 2013 by the EJC with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project aims to reward quality journalism and advance a new and distinctive agenda for development coverage through awarding funding to a selection of state-of-the-art reporting projects of great impact and high visibility. Since 2013 the programme granted funding to 82 projects.

The IDR Grant Programme has received $1,785,000 for the period of 2015 and 2016 that will be awarded to innovative journalistic projects centered on global development topics.

The European Journalism Centre (EJC) is a non-profit international foundation with the remit to improve, strengthen, and underpin journalism and the news media. This mission has two main aspects: On the one hand, it is about safeguarding, enhancing, and future-proofing quality journalism in Europe and on the other hand, it is about supporting initiatives towards press freedom in emerging and developing countries. This often includes creating the framework conditions for independent and self-determined journalism in the first place. To these ends, the EJC provides thematic training, professional capacity development, and a wide range of support activities for journalists.


Email: info@journalismgrants.org
Website: http://journalismgrants.org
Facebook: http://facebook.com/journalism.grants
Twitter: http://twitter.com/journagrants
Mailing list: http://journalismgrants.org/contact-us/
Website EJC: http://www.ejc.net


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