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giovedì 2 aprile 2015

Bringing the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles to life

EFQM and UNGC join forces towards Sustainable Excellence


The EFQM Good Practice Competition focuses this year on identifying real and tangible examples of how organisations ensure they comply with the UNGC's 10 principles. EFQM decided to align the theme of this year's competition to support the 15th anniversary of the UN Global Compact.  The competition is open to applications from any organisation, regardless of size, sector or location, until May 15th 2015.


"More than 10,000 organisations around the world have signed up to UNGC's 10 principles, aimed at creating a fair and sustainable society.  However many organisations struggle to find practical ways to implement effective policies to uphold them.  This is a common problem we have observed within the EFQM Community. That's why we're looking for good practices in this area – to support the UN Global Compact by sharing what works", says Marc Amblard, CEO from EFQM.

UN Global Compact's Executive Director, Georg Kell, added "EFQM's mission and the Global Compact's aspirations are strategically aligned. As the business and society agenda has evolved significantly over the past decade, a stronger collaboration between the two organisations promises to build a healthier balance between businesses, citizens and the planet."

To enter the competition, you must provide a submission report and a short video, publicly visible. A Jury, with representatives from industry experts, including the UN Global Compact, will identify several Finalists. The public can vote for their favourites on the EFQM website. The winner will present their Good Practice at the EFQM Forum, a prestigious networking and sharing event attracting more than 350 senior managers, subject experts and executives at the Dolce la Hulpe this October.

About EFQM

We are committed to helping organisations drive improvement through the EFQM Excellence Model, a comprehensive management framework used by over 30,000 organisations. To help you implement our Model, we provide training and assessment tools as well as recognition for high performing organisations.

About UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rightslabour, environment and anti-corruption. In summary, it exists to assist the private sector in the management of increasingly complex risks and opportunities in the environmental, social and governance realms.


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