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mercoledì 22 aprile 2015

Bluewater wins at the 2015 Transform Awards Europe.

Bluewater, the global leader in advanced residential water purifiers, was awarded no less than three HIGHLY COMMENDED prizes at last night's Transform Awards. The achievement at the awards recognizes Bluewater's excellence in branding and brand development.

The awards set a stronger benchmark each year, and also reflect the growing prevalence of brand in corporate communications. The corporate brand – and its implementation, positioning and creativity – has become one of the most valuable assets a business owns.

The Transform Awards has been running for the past six years in Europe. Last year the awards were also established in the Middle East North Africa and Asia-Pacific regions to coincide with the launch of Transform magazine, a global publications on brand development. The awards event has become a prestigious benchmark of those leading the way in both creative and strategic branding.

The Bluewater awards were for 'Best external relations during a brand development project', Best implementation of a brand development across multiple markets' and best corporate rebrand following a merger or acquisition'.

Bluewater Managing Director Niclas Wullt said: "Just 18 months after launching a new brand in the water purification arena and taking it global from the start with sales in Europe, Asia and North America, we've had further confirmation that our refreshing approach to market communication in a conservative industry is paying dividends. Today we see fast growing sales in all key markets due in part to our decision to move beyond the expected in communicating the health and wellness benefits of purifying rather than filtering water to get healthy tap water."

Brittany Golob, editor of Transform magazine, says, "The companies shortlisted are those that truly understand the need for a sustainable, viable and strategic brand. They share is a commitment to creating the best brand for a company's stakeholders. New areas have developed over the past six years that exemplify the shift in brand development. The Transform Awards is proud to benchmark excellence in rebranding, brand development and brand strategy. We congratulate all of this year's winners."

Sold in major markets around the world, Bluewater SuperiorOsmosis ™ patented technology delivers on-demand cleaner, healthier water direct from the tap. Innovated with love in Sweden, Bluewater water purifiers improve user quality of life, health and wellbeing by removing practically all known contamination from drinking water, including micro-organisms, pesticides, heavy metals and toxins. Bluewater™ is the registered trademark of Blueblue AB, a company registered Sweden.

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