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lunedì 10 febbraio 2014

Eni è l'azienda più ambita per i giovani laureati - Best Employer of Choice 2014 (nota stampa)

Best Employer of Choice 2014: for the fourth consecutive year, Eni is the most favoured company for young graduates

San Donato Milanese (Milan), 10 February 2014 - For the fourth year, Eni is on the top as the Best Employer of Choice 2014 for Italian graduates according to the Recent Graduate Survey, carried out by Cesop Communication, a specialised consultancy in the employer branding and corporate recruiting sector.

The data for the annual survey was  gathered by submitting a "face to face" questionnaires to over 2,500 Italian graduates who were grouped by gender, location and degree type.

Every year, since 2002, the survey has been analyzed the views and the expectations of young graduates in relation with the job market, their preferences and goals to achieve with regard to the companies. The information gathered provides a permanent statistical evidence on the evolution of graduate opinions towards companies brand image. One of the aims of the Recent Graduate Survey is to evaluate the attractiveness of the company for graduates in terms of workplace - Best Employer of Choice – which basically translate in which company graduates would like to work with. To this end, 153 companies were examined among the most dynamic businesses operating in Italy.

Compared to last year, Eni's score rose 18% from 4.53% to 5.34%, thanks to the innovations introduced via Eni’s online initiative, "Work with Us", and through its efforts towards the employer’s branding.

The online section has been valued as the best among the major worldwide companies, achieving first place in the KWD Italy, Europe 500 and Global 100 chart.

Eni ranked first place as the Employer of Choice for graduates of engineering and other scientific disciplines.

Economic strength, training, international job opportunities, sensitivity to issues of sustainable development, cooperation, interculturalism and continuous investment in technological innovation are some of the keywords that characterise what young people see as the ideal company, and which have awarded Eni as top choice in the opinion of new graduates.



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