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venerdì 13 novembre 2015

Amazon doesn’t ship your item to Italy? Big Apple Buddy steps in to help

Big Apple Buddy, a New York-based shopping concierge, ships items from the U.S. to anywhere in the world

New York, New York (November 14, 2015) – The U.S. retail market is the main channel for tech lovers around the world to acquire newest gadgets as soon as they are released. However, international consumers often face challenges. Cross-border shopping is growing, but big retailers are not making it easy to shop from America.

For example, Amazon, the world's largest online store, doesn't allow buyers outside of the U.S. to purchase a wide range of electronics, cameras, sporting and outdoor goods, software and computers.  International shipping restrictions are even placed on Amazon's own house products: Amazon Echo, Fire TV and Kindle Voyage. "This item cannot be shipped to the address you selected" notification will often appear on the screens of hopeful international buyers.

New York shopping concierge, Big Apple Buddy, now offers a solution. The company specializes in shipping items from the U.S. to almost any country in the world, basically acting as a middle-man between U.S. online stores and international customers.

The company delivers a seamless shopping experience by taking care of the entire buying process, allowing clients to rest easy knowing their products will be reliably shipped to their doorstep, avoiding complex international shipping procedures that can be associated with a big marketplace such as Amazon. Ordered items often reach clients in as little as 2-4 business days.

One of the reasons why Big Apple Buddy is able to deliver a smooth shopping experience is that the company is not bound by manufacturer and dealer arrangements in America. Amazon is often unable to ship internationally because it has pre-existing agreements with manufactures to sell only in the U.S. Big Apple Buddy on the other hand, acting as an independent third party, can purchase items from U.S. online stores, such as Amazon, without such restrictions, and ship them to clients worldwide.

Big Apple Buddy has partnered with FedEx, DHL and UPS and already ships products to thousands of clients in over 150 countries worldwide, with happy clients located everywhere from Europe to Asia to Africa.

"Some of our clients come to us looking to buy the latest gadgets, sporting goods or health products from the U.S. after they have unsuccessfully tried to order them directly through bigger retailers, including Amazon. Usually they get surprised with the ease and convenience of the service we provide," says Ms. Chan, the co-founder.

Currently, some of the most popular items ordered from America through Big Apple Buddy include tech products such as the Microsoft Band 2, Amazon Echo Speaker, Roku 4 Media Streaming Player, Google OnHub and the newly released Nexus 5X and 6P phones.  

Cross-border shopping is currently the fastest-growing area of international e-commerce, but large online stores, including Amazon, still need to re-organize if they want to meet the global demand. In the meanwhile, there are innovative companies such as Big Apple Buddy, determined to offer a solution. By providing consumers around the world with unrestricted access to the latest goods from the U.S., Big Apple Buddy is helping to create a shopping world without borders.

For more information, please visit www.bigapplebuddy.com.

Big Apple Buddy is a New York based e-commerce company, founded by two former Australian corporate lawyers who saw a global demand for items that are only available in the U.S. Big Apple Buddy is a friendly, responsive and reliable personal shopping concierge that delivers desired items from the U.S. to consumers across the globe. Popular items include tech gadgets and designer brands.

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