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martedì 19 aprile 2016

"bytejail(R)": hide & safe your data in a new way

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EAM Gmbh
Von Thomas Schönmetz, CEO
Instead of spending a lot of money for defense and protection, "bytejail" takes the easy way - data encryption and secure outsourcing. What is no longer there, cannot be stolen, hacked or illegally copied. Our following press release gives you comprehensive information about our new product.

"bytejail®" - A New Dimension of Data Security
Germany | Münsingen, April 2016 | To be secure again - at least in the context of data protection. The company EAM GmbH launches the product "bytejail®" after a development period of about 24 months. The software application protects sensitive data of users - commercial as well as private - from spies, hackers and thieves with high grade encryption, anonymization, and special off-site data storage. The ever-increasing incidences of data theft, ongoing electronic eavesdropping attacks, as well as the insecure data legislation of many countries were the motivation behind the development of the product "bytejail®" by EAM GmbH. 

We would like to offer individual users and companies the opportunity to finally be once again "master of the situation" or to bring the situation "under control." To store confidential documents, sensitive project information, or innovative developments on inadequately protected servers or in clouds is enormously risky. This fundamental risk is often still increased through "low statutory data protection" prevailing in many countries around the world.

These facts were reason enough for us to launch a project. EAM GmbH has been implementing sophisticated projects in a solution-oriented manner since 2006. Creative programmers met up with professional project managers and in approximately 24 months discovered the solution for high-profile data encryption and anonymization - a highly secure off-site storage of "sensitive data" is also an innovative component of the "bytejail®" product.  The product is patented and trademark-protected.

The 4 main characteristics of "bytejail®" are as follows:
  • High-quality and technically up-to-date encryption of sensitive data to be kept out off the hands of third parties.
  • Highly secure off-site storage of local data in a special data center, which users can select themselves - in a country with high legal data protection legislation (currently Switzerland, soon Germany, and other countries are planned as well.
  • Anonymous storage structure - without exception:  "Privacy by Design" was a guideline in the development of the product.
  • End user software that delivers both ease of use and advanced configuration options. 
Further information:
  • The product bytejail® (https://bytejail.com)
  • The company EAM GmbH (https://eam-gmbh.com)
  • Definition of Privacy by Design (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy_by_design)

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