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domenica 28 febbraio 2016

Bluewater to showcase new generation Water Purifiers at 2016 International Home + Housewares Show, Chicago

Overland Park, KS, February 28, 2016 – Sweden’s Bluewater water purifying brand is signaling its ongoing commitment to ramping up sales in the United States by showcasing an assortment of its transformational new generation water purifiers at the Chicago 2016 International Homes + Housewares Show, March 5 – 8. Bluewater will show a select portfolio of water purifiers together with the innovative air purifiers of its sister brand, Blueair, on IHHS Booth L11915, Lakeside Center. 

“We’ll also be offering any show visitor who stops a chance to fill their water bottles with water as pure as nature intended after being purified by one of our water purifier devices that harness Bluewater’s patented ‘SuperiorOsmosis™’ second-gen reverse osmosis technology,” said North America sales chief, Lin Guo. She noted how Bluewater had evolved rapidly into a major brand and leader in the global water purifier marketplace since the company launched just over two years ago, with strong sales today in Europe and fast-growing footprints in the USA and China. 

Ms. Guo said Bluewater plans to use the 2016 Homes + Housewares Show to connect with new retail business customers. Bluewater technologies are geared to meet the inadequacies in urban water supply systems, ranging from increased pollution by pharmaceutical, agricultural fertilizer and other compounds to aging, nineteenth-century municipal residential water treatment and delivery infrastructures.

Bluewater’s top-performing Spirit and Pro water purifiers leverage the company’s unique SuperiorOsmosis™ tap water cleansing technology, which reduces the water wastage associated with traditional RO systems by up to 82 percent.Innovated at the company’s hi-tech laboratories in the Jonkoping Science Park, central Sweden, the technology enables Bluewater to purify and deliver tap water on demand, removing health-threatening substances such as chlorine, organic contaminants, viruses, medical residues such as hormones, particles, lead, arsenic, and toxic metal.

Ms. Guo points to how over 80 percent of the U.S. population today lives in towns and cities, a global trend that already has resulted in over half of the world's population inhabiting urban areas.

“This unprecedented urban population growth places near-insurmountable pressure on urban water systems, which means citizens concerned about their health and wellbeing must seek point-of-use solutions such as those delivered by Bluewater,” said Ms. Guo.


  • WHO says just one-third of the world’s fresh water is suitable for human needs due to ‘increased pollution from municipal and industrial waste and the leaching of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture’.
  • In the USA, up to 30 percent of pipes in systems that deliver water to over 100,000 people are between 40 to 80 years old, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). About 10 percent are even older.
  • The U.S. Water Quality Association (WQA) says ‘water that leaves the treatment facility can become contaminated by the time it shows up at your tap’. The WQA view is supported by Consumer Reports that says ‘dangerous contaminants such as lead, chloroform, arsenic, nitrate, radon, and E. coli bacteria are common in tap water’.
    For more information, please contact:
    Sold in Europe, North America, China, and Asia, Bluewater water purifiers harness patented second-generation SuperiorOsmosis™ reverse osmosis technology to deliver on-demand cleaner, healthier water direct from the tap. Innovated with love in Sweden, Bluewater water purifiers improve user quality of life, health, and wellbeing by removing practically all known contamination from drinking water, including microorganisms, pesticides, heavy metals and toxins. www.bluewatergroup.com

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